Tag Archives: Sci-Fi

Gun X Sword Review

25380Watched 11/2016

Type: TV
Episodes: 15/26
Aired: Jul 2005 to Dec 2005
Producers: Studio Tulip
Studios: AIC A.S.T.A.

Gun x Sword is an original anime written by Hideyuki Kurata.

Silver – Not dropped but unfinished due to technical difficulties.

The first episode was good. Interesting idea and concept, if not a little common with animation considerably more modern than some of the other anime released at this time. In some ways, it’s a little sad that some animes are of a similar quality to this now. Even this was ahead of the time or some studios are not putting their money into this anymore.gun-x-sword

In some ways, it’s a little sad that some animes are of a similar quality to this now. Even this was ahead of the time or some studios are not putting their money into this anymore. The effects in this are brilliant, as is the movement of the characters. They are fluid and the fight scenes are beautiful.

I have never watched cowboy bebop (which from the theme and genres I’d guess this anime was trying to be a predecessor from) but this anime reminded me of Yatterman and World Destruction Society at some points. The air of a world which is more technically advanced but still as chaotic and unruly as when it wasn’t. Oh and there is some idoit who is trying to change the world into their own world view.

Our group of mismatched heroes in this one are your a-typical mix of people who don’t quite fit in with the real world. Van’s an airhead who likes putting all the condiments he can on to a cheap dish and forgets his friends names easy, but he does have a heart. Wendy is more your typical serious anime girl and Carum is the knowledgeable wanderer in this scenario. Plus Joshua for comic relief and Pricilla to brighten up the show.

That all being said. There were occasions I was bored with the anime. It made me care for the characters but I had to take breaks regularly. It’s a bit heavy to just blast through all at once. I was getting into the arc again when… the site I was using apparently began having problems. For some reason, I could only see the first 5 mins of the episodes of Gun X Sword so unfortunately, I could not finish the series. Hopefully, when I have time in the future I will return to it.

Aldnoah Zero Review

Aldnoah Zero71297l

Completed 2015

Type: TV
Episodes: 24/24
Aired: Jul 6, 2014 to March 2015
A Manga adaptation, written by Pinakes

Aldnoah Zero is not a bad anime. But it suffers from some fatal flaws. The anime has a dramatic and sober air to it. With a plot that had potential to be something great but then something happened and I’m not sure what. It dropped. The action became generic. More generic than normal for an anime which involves one boy being able to defeat aliens no one else can. The plot as well went from very interesting, to a tale which we have all seen before in one shape or another.

The art was bland. Nothing special, the same crisp lines we have been seeing for a while. I was actually expecting it to be by the same director/designer of Owari no Serph but it is not so. There are occasional when I feel you could have copy and pasted the characters into each others stories and it would have had little effect.

Characters, like the art are your standard breed. Like someone just looked up what characters do you need in an Mecha anime. The Princess is bathed in a white dress, blonde with a heart as big as her green eyes. She loves everyone she meets but there are forces working against her. Spends much of the anime in cryogenics.Aldnoah Zero 1

Her lady in waiting is a young girl who is naive and scared of everything. With the other girls, despite being soldiers they remain high school girls pretty much. Unable to do much, Even the main guys sister who was in the army from the beginning wails pathetically when things aren’t going right. No character growth at all. Ignoring one girl who is a plot point, but even her growth is your standard *yawn* seen it a million times.

The story is spilt between the two sides. Earth and Mars. Mars is a monarchy and as such is all proper and prim. No feeling and lot of multiplication and backstabbing. We watch as earth born Slaine finds to find his place in the Mars army to help his beloved princess. Facing discrimination along the way for being terran born. Slaine rarely showing emotion other than towards his princess and is very resourceful.

On the Earth side we watch Inaho, an emotionless boy who has fallen for the princess, fight to protect his friends and survive. All stoic and endlessly brooding. Knowing things that no one seems to understand. Either the characters nor the audience. I assure to give him some kind of mythical untouchable air. It makes a change from the cheeky rascal we are usually given except, with Slaine personally being so similar…

I only have one question for this anime. What happened to the originality we saw in the first season? This turned into another carbon copy which I would not recommend to anyone. So Bronze

Futakoi Alternative Review

Futakoi Alternative (Twin Love Alternative)16733l

completed 2015

Type: TV
Episodes: 13
Aired: Apr, 2005 to Jun, 2005
Producers: ufotable, Feel, Studio Flag, Lantis

Futakoi Alternative is a kind of spin of to Futakoi, using the same characters but in a different location and universe. Having not watched Futakoi, there is not a lot I can say about the comparisons but Alternative is fun to watch.

To describe this anime in one word. Weird. Its a fun ride though. Its surprisingly hard to label this anime with a genre as it has aspects of all, varying from one episodes to the next as to which it wants to be. At its centre, its a romance. A story of twins and the man they have fallen for. Unlike its original Futakoi, its not a harem of twins all jumping for his attention. But there is the weird love triangle between the three of the main characters. Rentaro, Soujyu and Sara. All who work as a detective agency.

futakoi alternativeI can’t say I have any issues with this anime. The story is entertaining and while has a lot of cliques it is well done. Its does give off a feeling of not really knowing what it is. As the anime progresses it gets more serious and serious. Decisions making important factors as the two girls progress though life. All until their 16th birthday when something must happen. Something rather cruel but in many ways a fact of life. Sara is the more independent of the twins and very strong. Going out of her way to protect her sister and do her best for the detective agency.

Its a good anime, I’d give it a silver. Its entertaining, unique and has a lot of comedy as well. The characters are well done and while there were moments of sadness, there were moments of happiness as well.

Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!? Review

Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!?62655l

Completed 2015

Type: TV
Comepleted Episodes: 12/12
Aired: Jul, 2014 to Sep, 2014
Producers: Genco, Silver Link, Sentai Filmworks

Rokujouma no Shinryakusha is a light novel adaptation written by Takehaya and illustrated by Poco.

I think I’ll give this a bronze. It’s not brilliant but I did enjoy watching this. But I think its weak points over ride that. It suffered from a lot lack luster plot points and a couple uncompleted ones. The red superhero team for example, just what happened to them? I spent that either episode going ‘um, what happened to those guys?’. They show up and then nothing is said again about them. Plus it started the ‘fanservice’ episodes way too fast for my opinion. But i guess it is a harem anime, so that’s fine in the grand working of things. Still somehow I don’t see myself remembering much about this anime in a few years.

1280x720-bNg It was refreshing to watch a harem which was actually quite enjoyable and didn’t have characters flashing there boobs every moment of the day. Which was even more relaxing considering most of the characters had a loli look about them. The main character wasn’t a pervert either. Occasionally a little dumb, but Satomi was a nice enough lead. He had a bit more personalty to him than a lot of main characters. He was still your pretty much typical guy but he wasn’t a complete carbon copy. The reason he has 7 girls of various character types around him was actually fairly unusual for once. Not your normal everyone falls in love with a guy anime.

The 7 girls are a little overwhelming though. For both the viewer and the male lead. They all have reasons for wanting the room he lives in. It seems to be a special place in space and time where energy gathers. One girl wants to protect, two what to use it to make weapons to invade, one is a ghost and its her home. Everyone has reasons for being there but before they can cause too much damage, the land lady steps in and makes them agree to do it without force. And so the team end up mostly living together in a small room, playing cards to decide who has the right to win the land. Sufficient to say, this get boring for them pretty early on. Actually winning the room almost becomes an almost forgotten plot point after the first few episodes. The girls settling down to reside in the room together refusing to give up. Yuriko literally living in the closet.


Of the girls, I like Kiriha the best. A girl who id descented from the earth people who have lived underground for many years and what to invade the surface so they can life there again. She is the most mature of the bunch (In both personalty and bust size) and her story line is my favourite. Partly because its well thought out and I like her how strong she is. Unlike the magical girl who is a whiner. Yurika is nice enough but she does get on my nerves. The ghost is tolerable though has her moments, same with Tulip. Ruth is fine but doesn’t really play much of a main part.

I approve of Satomi’s main interest, his sempai, the lovely Harumi. She is sweet and does like him back. She is also described as being a ‘Yamato nadeshiko’. A new term I have just learned which basically means the personification of the ideal Japanese woman. I’m sure if you are reading this, you know the type, Japanese anime is full of them. Back to their relationship, something which is important in this anime, the guy isn’t in love with the lot of them, but instead is good friends with them all. Though a few have crushes on him. Satomi is hinted to like Harumi the most. They just don’t really know how to go out. Mostly because any adventure inadvertently ends up involving the rest of the cast as well. Amusingly.


All in all, this is a entertaining take on the Harem genre with no ecchi for once! But it tries to combine too many tropes and plot ideas at once, watering down the entertainment value. Complete with mostly underdeveloped characters and uncompleted plots, I give this a bronze.

Ano Natsu de Matteru Review

Ano Natsu de Matteru (Waiting in the Summer)59405l

Completed 2015  

Type: TV
Completed Episodes: 12/12
Aired: Jan, 2012 to Mar, 2012

Producers: J.C.Staff, Geneon Universal Entertainment, Genco, AT-X, Sentai Filmworks, Showgate

Ano Natsu de Matteru is an original anime series written by Yosuke Kuroda, with original character design by Taraku Uon.

In summary, a typical anime about the summer in high school, complete with trip to Okinawa and four triangles. With the twist of one of them is an alien and the fact they are decide to make a film over the summer.

Ano Natsu 1

This anime has a similar feeling to it as Anohana. Except not as good. admittedly though, Anohana is a tough one to beat though in this genre. Ano Natsu de Matteru is a enjoyable if typical drama. The male lead, Kaito is a typical lead with very little personality and his main trait being that he loves of filmmaking. He falls in love with a new student at his school. Ichika, an alien who is searching for a place in her memories and ends up living at his house. As you know, so many animes work. Kaito doesn’t quite live alone but to clear that end up his sister goes on a work trip for the summer to Boliva of all places so its just the two of them. And his friends when they come barging round.

Ano Natsu 3

I’m not going to lie, I spent most of this anime not really liking Ichika. She’s very bland. With even less to say about her than the male lead. Apart from the fact she goes beyond in love with him and almost to obsessive early one. Following him whenever she sees him with other people. Though she doesn’t seem to quite realise it at first. I find her tiresome and I’m not sure how much she actually adds to the story ignoring being an alien. Also I found my self taking Kanna’s side in the fight for Kaito’s heart. Ichiro just appears out of nowhere and steals it without giving Kanna a chance. But I guess that life. If it hadn’t been a alien, it would have been something else I think sadly.

Honestly the amount of time spend on the characters is enough. They are a pretty pathetic lot really. Massive love rectangle between the lot of them, with an added two girls for the okinawa episodes. I quite like the fact none of them end up with who they want though. More realistic that way. The character I wished we had learned more about was Remon/Lemon, though I realise this anime was the wrong genre for that.

Ano Natsu 2

Lemon is a young looking girl who is actually much older than she appears, though her actual age is never specified. She is introduced as Ichika’s classmate who for unknown reasons wears a different uniform to the rest of the school. It quickly becomes apparent she knows far more than she lets on. It is discovered eventually she works for the men in black but its an sideline. She is mostly in charge of filming the events which are going on. She is the most interesting one to me and I wish we had learnt more about her. Like why she was there in the first place? Does she spend every summer at that school or what?

As far as the other aspects of this anime goes, the action is so random and very clique in its reasoning. It does spice up the anime though. Otherwise its just a lot of tears as everyone is in love with someone who is in love with someone else. Part from the main pair. With some summer cheer as they have fun occasionally.

I give this anime a bronze. It was enjoyable but nothing special nor unique and I spent much of it disliking the main characters which always knocks a show down a few pegs.

Gatchaman Crowds Review

Gatchaman CrowdsGatchaman_Crowds

Watched 2014

Type: TV
Completed Episodes: 12/12
Aired: Jul, 2013 to Sep, 2013
Producers: VAP, Tatsunoko Productions, DAX Production, Sentai Filmworks, Nippon Television Network Corporation

Gatchman Crowds is a anime based of a previous anime in 1972 Science Ninja Warror Gatchman. The 1972 series was written by Jinzo Toriumi. Gatchman Crowds was written by Toshiya Ono.

I have never watched the original series of Gatchman and as such, I can only actually review this as a series and nothing in relation to the original series. Gatchman Crowds is a fun anime which is focuses on the power of friend and how a community can band together to help each other and others in need out.

The lead in this Hajime_Ichinoseanime is Hajime Ichinose. Hajime is a bit of an air head. She’s very unique and has a love for stationary. She is also an optimist to an almost ridiculous level. Like any true anime female lead, she entrances people and has some fantastic friends. Hajime gets granted the power of NOTE. Along with several other long standing Gatchaman, Hajime fights in a special reinforced suits powered of Note against strange beings trying to destroy the city they live in. In particular they fight against MESS.

Hajime’s team mate, and longer running Gatchaman is Sugane Tachibana. Sugane has a samurai type suit and is a bit of a stuck up prick.  A little harsh, he’s just very diligent towards his duties and believes in justice very strongly. It takes him a while to warm up to the teams latest member. Hajime’s easy going character grating against his own. But slowly she proves her worth and he begins to respect her. After all Hajime has a habit of being of the impossible. Including talk to psychopaths with out making them attack more people. She also get the Gatchaman to change their methods and update them to the new world. Something which everyone is resistant to at first but eventually Hajime’s plan works and they improve because of it.

The rest of the team are fun too. Including a few aliens, and a talking panda to boot! And the villian. The villian is fantastic! Berg Katse basically just loves destruction and knows just how to get it happening. Hes very flamboyant and reminds me of a cross between Grell from Kuroshitsuji and Moral from Hamatora. He is also quite taken back by Hajime, not that it stops him trying to destroy the world but it is fun to watch.

The art style for this anime is really cool to. Lots of unique designs and interesting characters. To anime the suits the anime uses a 3D animation program which blends in well with the rest of the world. Unlike most anime who randomly insert the effect in.  This anime is fun and there is plenty going on in the world to keep an eye on. Its not overly childish, nor is it very adult. To me its gold.

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Tokyo Mew Mew Review

Tokyo Mew Mew7538l

Watched 2009 roughly

Type: TV
Completed Episodes: 52/52
Aired: Apr, 2002 to Mar, 2003
Producers: Studio Pierrot, Kodansha,4Kids Entertainment

Tokyo Mew Mew is a manga adaptation written by Reiko Yoshida and drawn by Mia Ikumi.


I’m not sure if I have mentioned this yet, but I am from the United Kingdom. Why this is relevant now is for the simple fact of this anime was one of the few which made it to British TV. And I missed it. Along with Cardcaptor Sakura. I need see One piece though. So unlike a lot of British anime fans, I did not watch this until my teens. So my feelings for this anime is a little biased to that face.

Tokyo Mew Mew was you standard Magical Girl Shoujo anime. Nothing more, nothing less. When I looked up how many episodes it had been, I was surprised that is was only 52 episodes. To me I remember it being longer. But that might be due to having an opening scene which became incredibly popular to use in amvs.


So plot. Our main heroine is Ichigo or Zoey in the English dub. Let me please state, I hate the English dub. Changing her name takes away so many of the gags its unreal! While at zoo on her first date with the most popular guy at school, Ichigo gets zapped by a mysterious ray that mixes her DNA with that of a wildcat. Which allows her and several others to transform into magical girl heroes and fight the forces of darkness. In this case, aliens known as ‘Deep Blue’.

There is nothing particular special about the shows characters. Ichigo is the normal led. Clumsy, stubborn etc. You have your rich standoffish girl,  Mint, your nerdy girl, Lettuce,  your ridiculously energetic and young girl , Purin and your lone wolf type, Zakuro. When they are not at school or fighting aliens, they all work at a maid cafe serving desserts. Which brings along its own problems and comedy moments. One point his anime does have in its favour is that the looks of the girls so actually alter slighter when they transform. Something which always amazed me about shows like Sailor Moon was the fact no one recolonized her despite her looking EXACTLY the same. This anime mostly avoided it that. Although more with Ichigo than the other characters.

Her love interest is your standard interest. Popular and clever. Everyone likes him and there is nothing to fault. Though he is of course hiding his own secrets which led to the girls being able to defend deep blue. If you can’t guess, you obvious haven’t watched enough Magical Girl animes.

While I have written this review with a fairly negative light, it was very enjoyable to watch. Mostly. It kept me entertained enough to finish any how. So Silver. Its bright and colourful. The perfect world and one which is typical for one of this genre. The girls are amusing even if there is little character development beyond the most obvious stuff.


Afro Samurai Review

Afro Samurai15874l 

watched 2015

Type: TV
Completed Episodes: 5/5
Aired: Jan, 2007 to Feb, 2007
Producers: Gonzo, Dentsu, FUNimation EntertainmentL, Victor Entertainment,Pony Canyon, Fuji TV
Afro Samurai is a manga adaptation written by Takashi Okazaki.

A dark and dull coloured anime to suit a dark and cruel story. Afro Samurai is certainly one of the most unique stories I have seen in a long time. Sure the idea of someone avenging their murder father is hardly a new concept. However this anime as whole new levels. The artwork is truly stunning as it the battle scenes. They are full of action and movement. Fluid not stagnant. And lots of blood. Oh this anime has lots of blood, made more prevail due to its dark screen tones.

The Afro Samurai wears the no 2 headband. The no 2 headband is fated to be alone. The only one allowed to challenge the no 1 warrior in the land. And many men will fight hard in order to gain that honour. After all the no 2 is beatable. He is a man. While no 1 is considered a god. The no 1 headband once belonged to Afro’s father and he was forced to watch as a child as his father was defeated. Justice cutting off his fathers head before challenging him to return one day to defeat him too. Afro then dedicates his live to gaining revenge. Even at the cost of those who take him in. Though that story alone is a tragedy.


The fight scene between Afro and Gino really got my heart strings. Once brothers fighting against each other in a blooded rage. Never to be reconciled due to the losses they have faced and the trails they have been though in this cruel world. There are few moments of happiness in this anime, if any. And often quickly soured. There is just blood and harsh realism of the land they live for much of this anime. Where every warrior is aiming for that no 2 headband.

Its dark and gritty. The fight scenes only really broken up by the endless chatter of Afro’s companion Ninja. Ninja who is always making quirks and its never really clear whose side Ninja is on. But he follows Afro to the end of the world regardless. The moment he dies is tragic, especially when you realise who or rather what he is.

And that ending…

To say I enjoyed this anime would be lie. It was hard going but it had me hooked. I could not tear my eyes from the screen. A scene of terror and dread as the story unfolded and we learned more and more about Afro and his past. And his future. I give Afro Samurai platinum because I honestly can’t compare it to any other animes. It is truly a unique anime to me.afro-samurai

Accel World Review

Accel Worldaccel world
Watched 2012/2015

Type: TV
Episodes: 4/24
Aired: Apr, 2012 to Sep, 2012
Producers: Sunrise, Genco, Viz Media, Rakuonsha, ASCII Media Works

Accel World is based of a manga adaptation by Reki Kawahara.

Right. Um. I wanted to like this. I had read lots of good reviews about how it was a unique anime with new characters. I was beyond disappointed. I tried to watch it three times. The first time was when it had just come out. I had assumed that I didn’t get past the first two episodes due to real life reasons. However recently I tried watching it again. Twice. First time I wasn’t impressed but went back because it was on loads of recommendations. But no. I did not enjoy this anime at all.

The concept is a cool one. A game which takes place in a half reality, half virtual place where people are trying to be the king. The idea of avatars and levelling up. Its all really cool and I agree that is at least original. Most virtual world animes take place in the game itself. But this was an interesting spin to the genre.

So why didn’t I like it? Why, when this anime had a good concept to work on. Simple answer. The characters. They were so hollow and 2D. The main guy is called Haruyuki Arito. He is a short fat high school boy whose avatar is even a pig. He, of course, hates himself because of his size and the fact everyone around him looks normal. Seriously, I get that we are meant to fall for him because he’s the underdog and its like ‘he’s ugly but he still gets girls throwing themselves at him’.

The girls who are just. Blerh. Boring. Kuroyukihime, the cool beautiful beauty who is the school idol. Who is on the run from people in the game because she defeated a whole bunch of powerful people and almost get the both of the killed in real life as well. She has lots of deep conversations. I watched 4 episodes. They were far too deep for where we were in the show. Also she is meant to be superpower and despite the fact she has only been talking to him for like 5 minutes, gets jealous when he cables with his best friend. Who she asked him to cable to get information on her. She also tries martyrs herself. So no. Manipulative bitch here, who admits to betraying her friends in the game before. Why should Haru trust her? Because he’s pretty and pays him a bit of attention. Seriously?.

The best friend,Chiyuri Kurashima, who gets super possessive and jealous over him because he is her longest friend. She doesn’t want him going out with Hime because… um? She doesn’t like her and as his best friend, she can say that. Chiyuri has a boyfriend by the way. But still pins Haru down on her bed to tell him that she doesn’t want things to change between them and wants to be friends together. Get all tearful when he promises they will always be friends as well. Pathetic little girl.

So no. I don’t like this anime. Stone.

Aria the Animation Review

5066lAria the Animation 
Watched 2008 roughly
Type: TV
Completed Episodes: 13
Aired: Oct, 2005 to Dec, 2005

Producers: Hal Film Maker, Right Stuf

Aira is a manga adaptation written by Kozue Amano

A tale of set in Venice on Mars. Literally. We are in the 24th century and humankind as terro-formed Mars into a water planet now known as Aqua. Neo Venezia is a faithful reproduction of the Vencie on Earth and we follow young Aria as she and her rivals are novice Undines. Aka a gondola rower. Undine in the offical term. Aria quite simply is a tale of friendship and growing up as the girl learn life lessons and the miracles which can happen.

Aria is a gorgeous anime. The colouring perfect for the mood of the anime. Full of 22506lsparkles and blues. Considerably bluer than what Venice’s canals actually are but this is anime and a different planet. I have been to Venice, and I have been a gondola ride. It is a very strange thing to do after this anime, especially when you get told a story which this anime has main reference too. The writer did her research into the stories of Venice and the little things that make the city special. Venice is beautiful, if you get the chance to go, go.

Our main character, Akari herself is you typical shoujo goddess who makes friend as easy as breathing. Akari is labelled as mysterious by her closest friends due to her warm manner and lack back nature. She does her best to enchant the trip for her patrons and help solve the problems she finds.

This is a beautiful anime which is easy to fall in love with and I give it a silver.
